The Number of Man
Novel Series
Number of Man was born a very long time ago when all the stores starting putting in scanning systems. As one familiar with what God reveals to us in Revelation 13, I followed these developments and technologies. This followed by the news that the first mammal, a sheep named Dolly, had been successfully cloned added the finishing touch. The combination of chips and tracking devices along with more advanced cloning possibilities started whirling in my mind. But it wasn't until much later in life that I actually sat down and started writing this story. I didn't know then that I would get to this point - published! It has begun and has lead to a series. Read more on my about page.
"Natalie Combs discovers she is not whom she thought after her parent's sudden death, which produces information about her adoption. In searching for her actual birth parents, she discovers an unbelievable secret: she had been cloned, tracked, and watched through a human RFID chip. The technological science of utilizing human implants, however, was in existence long before it was revealed to the general population here on earth.
Number of Man, The Mission
Book two in the series finds Natalie Combs happily married. It's been two years since she discovered she was a clone of twin scientists' dead sister, Julia Venson. She can't shake the feeling that an unknown danger is lying in wait. Had they really disabled the RFID chip in her hand? Is her life finally settling down? These questions and more rattled in her head. When she unexpectedly comes face to face with her mirror image, she is forced to acknowledge even harsher realities that seem impossible to overcome.
Other Works In Progress
A Heart's Cry
Hearts Cry is a working book of poems that will contain a variety of poems of love for our Creator and His love for us. Poems will be designed and available individually in a few different poster sizes and will be featured as they become available to purchase at Wake Up Gear For Life, LLC. The first poem displayed currently on Canvas available is entitled, The Greatest Love!
Missing You
Saying Goodbye To My Fur Babies
This work in progress, targeted for completion late 2024, is a reminiscent looking back of the love, uniqueness and loss of one's special fur babies. Those of us who are animal lovers, are sure to enjoy and resonate with the many emotions of love and heartbreak we experiencing with our animal companions.
They Called Me Dedde
This great read was actually written by my dad, Lowell E. Kennedy, who has since gone home to be with Jesus. He was preceded by my mom, Norma, about a year prior. My brothers and sister gave me his manuscript and I have been privileged to go through to edit and format his work. This is his story on the call God placed on his life to go into Missions that includes many great stories and experienced in Nigeria. My parents served as missionaries in Nigeria for over 14 years. Targeted for release Spring 2024.
About the Author
Hello Friends!
My name is Linda Kennedy and my hope is to share the Blessed Hope we have in Christ Jesus in every way possible. But maybe you are wondering why my slogan is 'Wake up from slumber' or why my first novel series is entitled 'Number of Man'. So, let me share the why behind the what of my website, my videos, my books and my Wake Up Gear For Life Shop!
It all started with a thought based on Revelation 13 in the Bible. That thought led me to write my first novel, Number of Man. This title, was impressed on me years ago when stores began the transition to the scanning system. I remember saying to a co-worker at that time, "The day will come when they will put the chip in your hands and/or in forehead for transactions as described in the book of Revelation 13 in the Bible and just scan us." He laughed at me back then. Who's laughing now?
As to the rest of my story visit my full website to access my blog, videos and other adventures. Learn how I was awakened from a deep slumber.