OUR BORDERS [within and without]:
Falling House of Cards:
Within our borders Trump is applauded as being marked by God, Biden steps out handing his mantle to Harris. And as Harris starts making her case for the upcoming election, Trump issues a plea to all Christians to get out and vote just this time and then declared they would never have to do it again. After his four years, he claims, it will be fixed and done! What did he mean by that? Your guess is as good as mine. And though I didn’t listen to his full speech, in no context does this statement make me feel settled. The geopolitical storm within our borders is playing out as it is without – it appears to be global.

Results of at least 64 countries and their elections around the world, as I heard stated by one YouTuber, “will ripple across all nations and influence the global stage for years to come.” They are, I believe, setting the stage for what God has said will come in the last days. Alongside these nations’ pivotal geopolitical elections there is an increase of division and civil unrest of the populations within them, just as there is in our own. We are living in a unique time in the history of mankind as Build Back Better for the Great Reset is in full swing and we watch the falling house of cards of nations around the world.
Remember this fundamental truth. No matter the outcome or our election in America or those around the globe, God is ultimately in control and what He has said would be, will indeed be. This should be comforting to us whom are looking toward heavenly matters, looking for our Savior who said He would come back and take us to where He is. We are still a restraining force, the walking temple of God filled with His Spirit here on earth during this time – this season of turbulence.
As stated in numerous places by Jesus, we are told not to be deceived. Matthew 24:6 tells us we would hear of wars and rumors of wars, but do not be alarmed. For it is necessary for these things to take place, but the end is not yet. In Job 12:23 we read that it is He [Yahweh] who makes nations great and allows them to be destroyed. He [GOD] enlarges nations and disperses them. In Daniel 2:21 we are told that it is He, Yahweh, who changes times and seasons. He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to them that know understanding. And also going back to Job 12:24, it is He that takes away understanding from the earth’s leaders and makes them wander in a trackless wasteland. This means that God is still on the throne and sovereign – He is in control. His purposes is for ultimate good; for that ultimate time when we who are faithing in Jesus, covered in His robe of righteousness, not our own, will dwell with Him eternally without pain, without tears, without suffering. He is rooting out all evil to usher in His perfect kingdom for those who hear and heed Him and are saved in His plan of salvation – a gift of grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
These events are not random and the nations who have shunned God are currently hearkening to the ruler of the air whom is Satan. For we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against the unseen spiritual forces, powers and rulers of darkness in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places as stated in Ephesians 6:12. In Daniel 7:25 we are told that he [speaking of the man of lawlessness, the antichrist] will speak boasting words against the Most High and will wear out the saints and think to change times and laws. God tells us in this passage also that they shall be given into his hand for a time and times and the dividing of times.
This world is passing and we can live here in fear or in faith holding onto God’s promises. As Christ followers, we are admonished to be heavenly minded rather than earthly minded. This is beautifully put in Philippians 3 (18) Be imitators together of me brothers and sisters and consider those walking this way, as you have in us for an example; as a pattern. (18) For many walk, of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping, they are enemies of the cross of Christ; (19) whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, whose glory is in their shame, whose minds are set on earthly things. (20) But our citizenship is in heaven, from where also we are eagerly awaiting the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (21) who will transform our lowly body and fashion it like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.
Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Our allegiance is to Him alone. Jesus alone is The Way, The Truth And The Life Eternal For Salvation. There is none other.
I highly recommended watching these videos related to what is currently happening in our world in order that we are remain watchful, alert, and also encouraged as we await our Blessed Hope: Happening Now [Real Life with Jack Hibbs YouTube] / Christians, You MUST Know This About Trump and Biden [Lion of Judah YouTube] (Note: video was made prior to Biden stepping down, yet it is highly still relevant and informative) / Prophecy Unfolding Right Now [Lion of Judah YouTube] /
Continue praying for Pastor JD and his family, specifically his wife, Kelly, who continues battle with Breast Cancer, but God is moving; pray for Maui; pray for Israel; pray for the lost to be saved; pray for strength, healing, peace and joy in the midst of all life’s storms and trials many are facing.
Urgent Prophecy Update, It’s Time!!! [Jdfarag.org 08 11 2024] Pastor JD addresses the unprecedented recent world-wide events of profound prophetic significant in an urgent prophecy update tilted, “IT’s TIME!!!” Click here for resource links: Bible Prophecy Update – August 11, 2024 /
The Increasing Of Prophecy At The Time Of The End [Jdfarag.org 08 04 2024] Pastor JD explains why the increasing knowledge of Bible prophecy is an indicator that it’s the time of the end as evidenced by how that which was sealed up then, has been opened up now. /
The Lukewarm Church Is Alive And Well Today [Jdfarag.org, 07 28 2024] Pastor JD talks about the eerily similar parallels between the lukewarm Laodicean church in that day and the alive and well lukewarm church of today. /
A Thief In The Night [Jdfarag.org, 07 14 2024] Pastor JD answers the question of whether Jesus, comparing His return to “a thief in the night,” is referring to believers or non-believers concerning the pre-tribulation rapture or His 2nd coming. /
Hold On Until Jesus Comes [Jdfarag.org, 07 07 2024] Pastor JD explains why the profound prophetic parallels between Thyatira church and the last days church can be an encouragement to believers to just hold on until Jesus comes. /
Pick No. 1 – God Will Not Be Mocked [Galatians 6:7]: Galatians 6:7 warns us not to be deceived, for God is not mocked and whatever a person sows, this he will also reap. We live in a world that seems to be mocking God in every way. From Satanic rituals in entertainment, half time shows in popular sports, and grand openings of major events. In 2022, Satanic Symbolisms were well seen at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games Opening. What were they? Symbols of Antichrist, Baal Worship in front of a mock Tower of Babel, an Illuminati like Ritual Ceremony. In 2023 Sam Smith’s Grammys Performance gave an all-out glorification ceremony to Satan. This year, 2024, we witnessed the mockery of the Lord’s Last Supper highlighting the LGBTQ+ agenda at the opening for the Olympics in Paris. Are we being desensitized more and more to glorifying evil in general? The more we watch what is being displayed on our TV’s these days and the less we read and see what God is displaying in His Word, the more we are prone to deception and drawn into this world. We may even find nothing wrong with these mockeries being displayed or cease even recognizing them all together. And though, yes, these are preparing us for the next scene here on earth – The kingdom of the Antichrist; that day will come, just as warned in Galatians 6:7, where those mocking and reviling in their fleshly pleasures will reap destruction. On the flip side of the 2024 Olympics, however, I watched a great clip from Evangelist Ray Comfort from Living Waters showing places where athletes gave glory to God for their achievements. I encourage you to watch it in full as he has a great way of showing why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is of utmost importance and why we are still here as a restraining force against these mockeries and evil. Click here to see highlights and other news comments surrounding the 2024 Olympic. May it encourage and provoke thought: Despite the LGBTQ+ Olympic Agenda, This Happened [Living Waters YouTube] /
Pick No. 2 – AI Dependence: More and more we see articles relating to the dependence on AI, from designing to writing to creating just about anything and everything. This is true also for governments dependence on AI to create national identification systems, drive innovations, predict future crimes, and more, all the while trying to balance their citizens’ rights. These are foreshadowing what will come that will not have any of our rights in mind when the Man of Lawlessness leading the pack of 10 kings and kingdoms rises to rule through AI global governance. Then there are other technology advancements that can cause us to pause and consider just how close we are to that day as world war III looms and financial stability collapses all over the world and so on. Click related articles to learn more: China Wants to Start a National Internet ID System [DNYUZ, 07 31 2024] / In world first, EU’s sweeping AI law enters into force [Yahoo News, 008 02 2024] / Argentina will use AI to ‘predict future crimes’ but experts worry for citizens’ rights [The Guardian, 08 01 2024] / Scientist have discovered they can use nanoparticles to control the minds of mice in a groundbreaking new study [The Sun, 08 02 2024] /

Pick No. 1 – Archaeologist Again Corroborates A Biblical Account: Archaeologists have uncovered a 'monumental' structure in Jerusalem that is mentioned in two books of the Bible. They uncovered ruins of an ancient moat that was built more than 3,000 years ago in the City of David, which is considered one of the oldest cities in history. For 150 years, researchers have worked to prove the city was split in two - as described in the Bible - and they have now uncovered the moat that separated the southern residential region from the upper city in the north. The moat measured about 30 feet deep and nearly 100 feet wide with perpendicular cliffs on each side that made it impassable. Click here for more information: Newly discovered biblical moat in Jerusalem reveals city’s ancient fortifications [The Jerusalem Post, 07 21 2024] /
God Is Always Talking, But Are You Listening? Too many are being distracted by all the events taking place in our world, by earthly matters and much more. I ran across this YouTube put out by Lion of Judah and felt it very relevant to the days we are living in and the distractions around us – too many of them. Is this coincidence? I think not as the enemy will try to keep us distracted so that we don’t have time to consider what comes after. Too distracted to delve into the most important decision and consideration we in the here and now on earth have to make – where will we spend eternity. Click here to watch: We Have Never Seen Anything Like This Before! Do Not Be Distracted! [Lion of Judah YouTube] /
Wake Up From Slumber Information:
Inside View with Linda Kennedy. Learning and sharing in two video series: Beginnings, A Journey Through the Bible and We Are Here – Bible Prophecy.
Am Watching, a different kind of blog, providing Biblical perspective on a variety of topics in world news. If you haven’t subscribed, click here now: Subscribe to Am Watching /
Novels: Number of Man Series: Book 1 – The Beginning; Book 2 – The Mission /
Wake Up Gear For Life Shop – Proclaiming Our Blessed Hope Merchandise. /