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1 Thessalonians 5:6 Let us not sleep as other, but let us watch and be sober.

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OUR BORDERS [within and without]:

Are You Ready? Wake Up – Watch – Be Sober!

As we watch our nation and the nations around us continue in chaos and disarray, as rumors of war(s) increase, as we see the love of many growing cold, it certainly can provoke a sense of uncertainty. We may ask “What is the next big event looming on the horizon?” And No, I am not referring to the upcoming elections nor the current theatre transpiring here on our soil surrounding them. I am speaking of all the prophetic convergences happening with more and more intensity that we are seeing currently worldwide. And for this I simply pray all the more – “even so come, Lord Jesus, come.”

Consider how what is transpiring in our nation and around the world can be best seen from the prophetic Scriptures given us by our Creator God – Yahweh. For my intent is not to cause further fear nor anxiety, but to indeed wake up those who still need to be awakened. Many say they are awake while yet still sleeping. Is that possible? Yes. For truly, truly, to be fully awakened, one must be born again and move from darkness to the light in Jesus Christ. When we do this, we are then transferred into the Kingdom of God and considered merely sojourners here at this present time. We are to fulfill His purpose in us for His glory – to shine His light and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Time is short and none of us are guaranteed our next breath. So, I ask again, Are You Ready? God has much to say about being ready, waking up, watching and being sober. And even all the more as we see these biblical prophecies unfold. Be ready for what? For the future glory we have because of our faith in Christ Jesus – a new heaven and earth. One without tears, without pain, without death as we have here in this world. We are quickly heading in that direction and I pray you are ready.

Because God’s Words are better than my own, following are scriptures that I pray will enlighten our understanding, open up doors for Jesus Christ to silence our fears, cause us to be more bold in standing firm in our faith and proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we see God’s glorious plan unfolding. This is truly a faith building experience, if we fix our eyes on Him. Jesus is our only hope within this nation and without around the world.

Ephesians 5 (14) Wake up you who sleeps, arise from the dead and Christ will give you light. (15) See then that you walk carefully, not as fools but as wise, (16) redeeming the time for the days are evil.

Romans 13 (11) And do this, understanding the time. The hour has come for you to wake up from slumber, for our salivation is nearer now than when we first believed. (12) For the night is nearly over; the day has drawn near. So let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the Armor of Light. (13) Let us walk properly as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, nor in strife and envy. (14) But rather, put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the lust [desires] of the flesh.

Mark 13 (36) Lest having come suddenly, He should find you sleeping. (37) And what I say to you, I say to everyone: Watch!

1 Peter 4 (7) Now the end of all has drawn near. Therefore, be clear-minded and be sober for the purpose of prayer. (8) Above all things, have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins.

1 Peter 5 (8) Be Sober-minded and watch. For your adversary, the devil, prowls about as a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. (9) Resist him steadfastly in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brethren that are in the world.

Matthew 24 (42) Therefore, keep watch [stay awake], because you do not know on what day Your Lord will come.

1 Thessalonians 5 (6) Let us not sleep as the others, but let us watch and be sober. (7) For those sleeping, sleep by night. And those that become drunk, get drunk by night. (8) But let us, who are of the day [light], be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet the hope of our salvation. (9) For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. (10) The One who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep [bodily death], we may live together with Him. [This our future eternal hope in God’s Glorious Plan.]

Psalm 108 (1) O God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing and give praise, even with all my honor [reputation of character – all my being]. (2) Awake O harp and lyre! I will awaken early. / Psalm 119 (147) I rise before the dawn and cry for help. In Your Word I have put my hope.

Being awake, watching and sober is a message throughout the Holy Scriptures. Let us therefore, wake up and arise from the dead, putting on the full armor of God [whom is Jesus Christ] and be watchful, sober and ready. For at any moment, any nano second, we may be gathered up to Him, whether in a physical death or in the “Whoosh” [my word for ‘rapture’].

Click here to learn more: Wake Up Arise From the Dead [Knowing Jesus – 13 Bible verses about Wake Up] / Readiness – Kept by the Power of God [Knowing Jesus, 46 Bible Verses about Readiness] / Significance of God telling us to “Wake up, sleeper” – Got Questions /


Please continue praying for Pastor JD and his family, specifically his wife, Kelly, who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer; pray for Maui; pray for Israel; pray for the lost to be saved; pray for strength, healing, peace and joy in the midst of all that life’s storms and trials many are facing.

When The Truth Is Too Unbelievable: Pastor JD explains the reason people buy THE LIE in this last hour – because THE TRUTH is just too unbelievable. [ 02 25 2024] /

Take Heed Take Heart: Pastor JD explains how God’s Word, as a double-edged sword, cuts both ways in these last days – To the unbeliever to take heed and the believer to take heart. [02 18 2024] /

How Judgement Day is Coming! Pastor JD explains how God’s day of judgement is coming explaining why it’s coming due to where we are and what Scriptures say regarding Technology and Biotechnology that is now here. [02 11 2024] /

Why Judgement Day is Coming! Pastor JD explains why God’s day of judgement is coming sooner than anyone can possibly imagine. [02 04 2024] /

My Top Three Picks:

Pick No. 3 – Cyborgs, 3D-Printed Brain Tissue, First AI Child: Oh My! Should we be scared? Well, depends on whom you are putting your faith in. Elon Musk, AI Magic, 3D Synthetic Printed Matter that seems to be like the real thing OR God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. I am more in awe of my Creator than the created that will end up being a prison of the Devil for many. These technological wonders is why I have no doubt we are in the season of the ‘Whoosh’ and on the cusp of the 7 year tribulation and the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. This along with all other Biblical prophecies that are manifesting at the same time all around the world. Are you looking up like I am every day? If not, why not? Click here to learn more: Elon Musk fans say ‘a cyborg is born’ as Neuralink brain chip is inserted in first human [Mirror, 01 30 2024] / Revolutionary 3D-Printed Brain Tissue Mimics Human Function [Neuroscience News, 0 01 2024] / Tong Tong, the world’s first AI child, unveiled at exhibition [The Standard – News-Tech, 02 03 2024] / Meet the AI – Child from China! [DW Shift YouTube] /

Pick No. 2 – Christian Persecution Rising: As the world leaders continue pushing their agendas in numerous ways, we see persecutions directed at Christians rising more and more each year. Christians here in North America are used to seeing and hearing about persecutions in other countries. But this persecution is also here in North American in a variety of forms. These persecution go against those involved in politics, on college campuses, in public schools, in businesses, all of whom stand for truth and their faith in Christ Jesus. Granted, these persecutions may not yet be beheadings, but some have been sent to jail or fined. Others are beaten and killed for their faith. Yes, even here in North America. It will grow worse, but remember this – to LIVE IS CHRIST, TO DIE GAIN [Philippians 1:21]. May God’s Spirit strengthen us and give us that type of courage. Click here to learn more: Is There Christian Persecution in America? [, written during Trump presidency – no date given] / Christian Persecution in America: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Concerns [, 02 14 2024] / New Statistics on Growing Persecution Against Christians [Liberty Champion, 12 05 2022] / As Global Christian Persecution Rages, New Effort Seeks to ‘Awaken the Church’ [YouTube (14.07 mins.) CBN News, 1 month ago] /

Pick No. 1 – Israeli War, End Times Prophetic Convergence with Intensity Leading to The Glorious Plan of God: As Israel launches airstrike on Damascus, many are waiting for the complete destruction of Damascus as prophesied in Isaiah 17:1 A prophecy against Damascus. “See Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.” There are many that state this prophecy was already fulfilled in the 8th century BC when Assyria attacked Syria and Northern Israel. This war did not, however, leave Damascus a ruinous heap nor did it cease being a city. Because of this, I believe, as do many, that this prophecy is still yet future to be completed. Many prophetic passages have a “near and far” reaching application or what I refer to as a “double or dual fulfillment”. And though I do not like to see these wars and people being killed whereby they are entering their eternal state, God is working out His glorious plan. It is a righteous judgement on those who continue to reject Him. I do, however, pray for those last ‘thief on the cross’ moments to be given through His mercy for those in this physical battle. A battle that may reach our shore as well. I pray they come to believe on Jesus before they cross over just as God revealed Himself to the one thief on the cross next to Jesus. And when he believed, Jesus said to him, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.” But this spiritual war is real and manifests itself in our physical world and has been since the beginning. I thank God, who knows the future, has told us what to expect so that when we see these things happening, we know the season – the final moments of this world as we knew it is here. And we have this promised us: Titus 2:11-13 For the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all mankind, teaching us that we, having denied ungodliness and worldly passions, should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world; awaiting the Blessed Hope and the Appearing of our great God and Savor, Jesus Christ. For more information click here: God’s Glorious Plan [Rapture Ready, 11 04 2023] / Israel and the end times [YouTube, Jimmy Evans 5 days ago] / Does the Bible predict the destruction of Damascus? [Got Questions] / 2 terrorists killed as explosions rock Damascus in apparent Israeli airstrike [World Israel News, 02 28 2024] /


Freedoms More At Risk With Deceptive WHO Agreement: Many freedoms today continue to be threatened worldwide. These freedoms, held dear here in North America, have been and are being chipped away piece by piece. This could worsen if the Biden Administration signs this agreement with the World Health Organization [WHO] along with the other 194 member nations. If these negotiates are signed, WHO will be able to declare and direct all nations as to what constitutes a global health emergency and how the nations in this agreement take action due to it. This would include a ‘global warming’ crisis if the WHO declares it so. Many are urging the Biden administration not to sign the United States up to this agreement. But because of the deceptive wording of ‘Agreement’ rather than ‘Treaty’, it may be signed without Senate’s approval. The deadline for this is coming up in May. Is this a coincidence? I think not. As world leaders continue to set up their global governance that I call ‘the Beast System’, it is just fulfilling Bible Prophecy. Click here for more info: As WHO Pandemic Treaty Nears Completion, Critics Raise Red Flags for US Freedoms [Epoch Times, 02 08 2024] / Doctor warns WHO pandemic treaty includes ‘gain of function’ data sharing [LifeSite, 02 19 2024] /


Am learning and sharing - please join me in the journey and share with others. Click here for my YouTube Channel: Inside View with Linda Kennedy. / Subscribe to my: Am Watching Blog / Proclaim our Blessed Hope in every way – check out some merchandise at my Wake Up Gear For Life Shop.

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Linda Kennedy was born one of five children to missionaries in Nigeria, West Africa. She has enjoyed writing poetry and songs since an early age. The idea for this book came to mind over 20 years ago. However, it wasn't until becoming disabled after two failed back surgeries, that she sat down and wrote the first rough draft which is now completed. Linda has written and published her first novel and "The Beginning" of the series: Number of Man. Linda currently resides in Jefferson City, Missouri.

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