As you participated in your numerous December activities, I hope you all had a joyful, peaceful, and memory-making holiday season. Truly there are many who suffer from ‘holiday blues.’ I used to be one of them. But God has faithfully and continually renewed my mind through His Word.
Yet, shouldn’t we consider celebrating Jesus every day? My sister and I were discussing the celebrations of Christmas and Easter (better termed Passover) and how many have become aware of the pagan roots in these celebrations. And though we really don’t know the day of Christ’s birth, I do believe we should take any and all opportunities to celebrate Jesus. But not only on special holidays, but every day.
With that in mind, I created a design for my Wake Up Gear shop 'merch' that says just that: Every Day, Celebrate Jesus. The design encompasses all of what Christ Jesus came to earth for. Christ, the Word of God made flesh born in order to fulfil the law we couldn’t, to die taking the punishment we deserved, to be buried, and to rise in victory. All for you and me. He conquered the sting of death that sin and disobedience brought into the world. In this victory, we who are born again in Christ, are also victorious in Him! Not to continue in our sinful bondage, but to be set free from them by His Spirit now living in us. And, He made a promise when He ascended to His heavenly throne at the right hand of the Father that He would come back and take us to where He is – where He is preparing a place for us. That is the complete Gospel message and we should celebrate that every day. He is coming again to catch up His faithful church. Are you a faithful church? A faithful one who has been called out of this world into the Kingdom of Christ and of God? I pray so. May we endeavor in 2025 to be conformed into His image daily through His Word being changed from the inside out by the power of the Spirit. For we were once children of darkness appointed to the wrath of God, yet now has He reconciled us and translated us into the Kingdom of Light! That’s something to celebrating every day! Scripture references: Ephesians 2:1-10 [Read now…] / Colossians 1:13-19 [Read now…]
Will Christ Find Faith In 2025? As we turn the page and leave 2024 to the canals of history gone by, there are many mixed feelings. Some feel 2025 will bring new hope and calm to the turbulence we have experienced since 2020 and the COVID worldwide initiation into a new normal. Others feel more trepidation and fear. What steadies me in every season and every change, even in the White House, is viewing it all through the lens of what God has said in His Word. My first daily news comes from scripture which gives me better vision to understand what is happening in our current world, within our borders and without.
The truth is Bible Prophecy continues to leap off the pages of Scripture into the daily headlines. And since 2020, we have seen with each passing year increased deception, intensified war and rumors of war, and hearts of many have grown colder as we watch lawlessness abound all around us. What can we expect in 2025?
From just the first week of this year, we can see that what God tells us in the Bible is true. We will see more of the same, but with greater intensity and frequency. God will have the final word and I am reminded of what is said in Psalm 2:1, “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine an empty thing?”
My advice is one that Jesus gave in Matthew 24, “Let no man deceive you.” So, watch out, my friends, for the following in 2025:
Greater deceptions; potentially The Great Deception
Increased wars and rumors of wars
Greater climate anomalies
Interesting signs in our skies (yes, that includes drones and UAPs, formerly known as UFOs)
Increasing virus and pestilence warnings
Greater push towards the CBDC (one of the tools that will be used to govern the people as foretold in Revelation 13 - more than just a digital monetary system, but a tool to determine if you have been naughty or nice (compliant or noncompliant)
Greater Christian sifting and tribulation
Possibly a very big planned event that may again reshape our world
All that we see happening today is described by Jesus in Matthew 24. They are signs of the end of the age. What age? First to the age we are currently living in; a period of time that is sometimes referred to as the Age of Grace or the Church Age that began as outlined in Acts after Jesus was taken up and the Holy Spirit descended upon the early church believers. Secondly, in a broader sense, the ‘Age of the Gentiles’ which began when the Jews [the southern tribes of Israel of Judah and Benjamin] were taken into captivity of Babylon.
So, it isn’t surprising when I read in the Parable of the Persistent Widow, indicating to us we should always pray and not loose heart, Jesus saying, “Shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, and be longsuffering with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” This causes me to pause and check my own “faith” pulse. How is your “faith” pulse?
May the Author and Finisher of our faith indeed come quickly, for the stage of the world will continue to march ‘speedily’ towards the end of the age as written. Join me in running this race to the end, so that we are found faithful when He comes. Only He can bring the true ‘peace and security’ everyone craves, not just now, but for eternity as well.
Recommend reading: Matthew 24:3-14 [Read now…] / Luke 18:1-8 [Read now…] /
✔ Drones, UAPs, Orbs: “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Superdrone!” All eyes seem to be looking up lately as reports of numerous drones, seemingly larger than typical, and sometimes maneuvering in ways beyond what is believed to be within mankind's capabilities, fill the skies. Then there are the reports of orbs and other Unidentified Aireal Phenomenon [UAPs] formerly simply called UFOs. One can’t help but wonder what is up? A very close friend of mine told me once a very true statement we would be wise to heed in 2025. He said, “Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see.” The truth is this is just another sign as to how close to the end of the age, prior to the coming 7-year tribulation, we are. Jesus foretold us:
25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
[Luke 21:24-28]
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
[2 Thessalonians 2:9-10]
May I say we are seeing ‘lying signs and wonders’? They are deceptive on many levels. Could this be setting the stage for the ‘mother’ of all Psychological operations (PSYOPs). What is a PSYOP? It is a tool used by world shapers [influencers, shadow government, if you prefer] through specific means to change the behavior of society and governments. Many of times it is used to create fear in order to bring about compliant behaviors that these ‘world shapers’ can control. Are you look up at the deception or looking up for the Coming of Jesus Christ to gather you up? Are you fearful or are you hopeful knowing your redemption draws night? Listen to Pastor JD’s take on these drones along with other PSYOPs that have led us up to this one as he explains the why behind what many are seeing. Listen now… A Spirit of Fear May Unite the World Again / Check out other Prophecy Updates by Pastor JD Farag at JDfarag.org/bible-prophecy.
✔ 2025 Has Come Right Out of The End Times Gate Guns Blazing In Bizarre And Deadly Start To New Year [Now The End Begins, January 3, 2025]: Excerpt - On New Year's Eve day, X owner Elon Musk changed his profile name to Kekimus Maximus, setting the social media site ablaze with what that name might represent . . . Kek was an Egyptian god of darkness and chaos who had the body of a man and the head of a frog. Remember when Elon Musk famously said he wasn't just MAGA but that he was 'dark MAGA'? - "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet." Revelation 16:13 (KJV) [Read full article now…]
✔ ‘The US . . . Is Terminally Ill’: Vegas PD Reveals More of ‘Cybertruck Bomber’ Manifesto [ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, January 3, 2025] Excerpt - According to U.S. Army officials, Livelsberger served in the Green Berets, a special forces unit trained to counter terrorism abroad and mentor allied forces. He joined the Army in 2006 and built a distinguished career, with deployments to Afghanistan, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Georgia, and Congo. Recently returned from an overseas assignment in Germany, he was on approved leave at the time of his death, a U.S. official confirmed. There's mounting skepticism about the official narrative that Livelsberger killed himself with a Desert Eagle .50 caliber semi-automatic pistol before the explosion. Where is the muzzle flash?? [Read full article now…]
Signs of the end of the age: Increased bizarre weather anomalies like, uhm, a global thick fog and warning of a 2025 Pandemic Emergency? Sort of not too long after drones and orbs were littering the sky? Coincidence? I think not. Click to view: 2025 Pandemic Emergency…Mysterious Fog World Wide!!! [Jason A YouTube] / Poisonous Or Paranoid? [Marfoogle News YouTube]
Unexpected Encounter: In Psalm 27, David closes with this phrase: “I would have lost heart [or fainted], unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." Isn’t it true that we sometimes feel alone in our pursuit of righteousness? Yet, God is still moving. As I was having lunch at a local restaurant with a friend and we were discussing our desire to seek the LORD’s will for certain upcoming decisions, we had a unexpected encounter. A woman approached and said, “I just had to come over and say something because I heard you talking about the LORD.” Turns out she is a mother who was taking a break that afternoon and was blessed to see two women openly sharing our desire to do the LORD’s will, not our own. She writes a newsletter called, “A Diary of a Kingdom Mom.” I knew I had to get on her mailing list. And I have been super blessed by it thus far. As the three of us continued talking another voice came from the other side saying, “I have been listening in on your conversation also.” Turns out she is a young journalist student attending a Baptist College. She too shared what God was doing through a discipleship program they had started on campus. Yes, God is still moving and his goodness can still be seen in the land of the living. [Click to Read Psalms 27 now…]
MY BLOG WILL BE TRANSFORMING A BIT IN 2025 and I hope that it will give greater insight and more targeting information. This because the news and all that is going on that relates to Bible Prophecy are so numerous it is hard to keep up. But if there is something you would like further information on or insight to in the Daily Headlines and how it relates to God’s Daily News, just click the ‘Contact Me’ and ask. I will do my best to give a Biblical perspective and answer. [Contact-Me now…]
Inside View with Linda Kennedy's YouTube Channel name has changed to Wake Up Gear For Life. I will continue slowly but surely adding to my 2 video series: Beginnings, A Journey Through the Bible and We Are Here – Bible Prophecy. I will be also working towards a 3rd series, coming soon, as it relates to our faith and how we share it with others. This is in development and doesn’t yet have a name, but it will! I will keep you posted.
Am Watching, a different kind of blog, providing Biblical perspective on a variety of topics in world news. If you haven’t subscribed, click here now: Subscribe to Am Watching / If you know of someone who would be interested, please share a link with them.
Novels: Number of Man Series: Book 1 – The Beginning; Book 2 – The Mission / These will both soon be available on my website at my Wake Up Gear For Life Shop – Proclaiming Our Blessed Hope.