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Malachi 6:7 ". . . Return to Me and I will return to you," says YHWH [LORD] of hosts. - Final Message

OUR BORDERS [within and without]:

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Final Message: From 2019 to 2022 the Doomsday Clock has been set to 100 seconds to midnight. But in January 2023 it moved up a tad to what it still reads – 90 seconds to midnight. As we see the increasing threats against humanity in many areas from wars, biological threats, rise of AI governance and more, I suggest we are a bit closer than they realize. Because I am watching God’s time clock – Israel.

For this reason, sharing this ‘Final Message’ of the LORD God seems more important than listing a myriad of news reports that can be distracting. God goes by His clock and looking at the world through His Words given, I dare suggest we may actually be more like 30 – 60 seconds before midnight.

But God indeed gave a ‘Final Message’ to Israel in the last book of the Old Testament by the prophet Malachi. Jesus Christ gave us, the Ekklesia [called out ones or church] a ‘Final Message’ in the last book of the New Testament – the book of Revelation through John. Both Malachi and Revelation have similar messages to us within our borders and without.

Let’s dive into some interesting commonalities and take to heart this ‘Final Message’ from God as we continue to watch “Operation Warp Speed” and “Build Back Better” hurl this nation and all the nations of the world towards God’s fulfillment of what He said would come. Because God is still sovereign – God is still in control of it all.

Final Message Graphic
Malachi / Revelation - Final Message

1.     Both books declare that we are beloved of God, though we are in circumstances where we may not feel loved. For Israelites in the days of Malachi, there was great poverty and injustices being done. So too, in our day, we see increased poverty and injustices being done as prices rise and lawlessness increases.

2.     Both Israel then and we today have fallen away [gone astray] and defiled our lives. For Israel it was through a lack of reverence to Yahweh by offerings that were blemished or sickly. For us today it is through a lack of reverence to Yahweh Yeshua [Jesus Christ] through vain and blemished worship by playing church instead of being the church. We have become for the most part going through the motions of the religiosity of Christianity verses growing our relationship and knowing God through His Living and Written Word – Jesus Christ and allowing Him to change us from the inside out.

3.     Both Israel then and we today have been infiltrated by corrupt priest, false pastors and false teachers. In Malachi’s day, God issued a strong rebuke to the priests who instead of guarding knowledge and speaking the law from his mouth to the people as God’s messenger, were departing from it. Therefore, they were causing the people to stumble. Today, we also are experiencing more and more pastors and teachers departing from the Scriptures and speaking messages to the people causing them to stumble. People are not being properly nurtured and fed the fulness of God’s Word. Therefore, they are stumbled through vain traditions and doctrines of demons and self-gratifying feel good messages. For this reason, we are seeing a great number “falling away” [as shown in #2 above] from the Truth just as God prophesied would happen in 1 Timothy chapter 4. [Read more here…] Revelation tells us the conditions of the churches where only 2 of them had no rebuke from Him. [Read more on the churches in Revelation 2 & 3…]

4.     Both Israel and many today have become Unfaithful and full of Idolatry. Israel had profaned [made common] Yahweh’s holy institutions. We today also see many seemingly blinded to their unfaithfulness and idolatries. The daily worship and daily living has made God’s message and the good news profaned [made common] and watered down. Our idols today maybe different than that in the days of Malichi; however, God’s enemy has strategically placed many in front of us though most go unrecognized. Too many are unfaithful to their own spiritual commitments and beliefs and/or cheapen the gift of grace given to us. [Read more on ‘What is spiritual adultery?’ or infidelity (Got Questions)]

5.     God proclaims to Israel and to us Hope! To Israel God proclaimed the hope of a Coming Messenger to prepare the way before Him - Messiah. This was fulfilled with John the Baptist heralding the coming Kingdom and preparing the way for our Lord Jesus – Messiah. [Read Who is the promised messenger of Malachi 3:1? (Got Questions)]

Jesus proclaimed that He would return to take us to where He is and that He is preparing a place for us with Him. Revelation also describes this event leading up to the great tribulation or testing coming upon the whole earth followed by the 2nd Coming of Jesus to Establish His kingdom here on earth. What is this event? The Appearing of Jesus Christ to gather us to Himself. Many see this clearly in the letter written to the Philadelphia Church. [Read message here] And though we see many today, as prophesied, scoffing and saying, “Everything is going just as it always has, where’s the promise of His Coming?” Today I am heralding this message, “Jesus is coming to catch us away at any moment. He is coming! Are you ready?”

6.     God proclaims Coming Judgement. We too are told in Revelation of the Coming Day of the LORD [Yahweh] and given detailed information about it. Because this statement fits perfectly to them then and to us now, following is what is written in Malachi:

Malachi 3(5) And I will come near you for judgment; I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers, against perjurers, against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans, and against those who turn away a foreigner. Because they do not fear Me,” says YHWH of hosts.  (6) “For I am YHWH, I do not change. Therefore, you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob. (7) Yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them.

We can see a similar message regarding the coming Day of the LORD in Matthew where Jesus told the disciples this: For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. [Matthew 24:21]

And in Revelation 6, we see the Lamb slain [Jesus Messiah] begin this Day of the LORD by opening the seals – His Coming Judgement and testing upon the whole earth. [Revelation 6, read more . . .]

7.     God cries out to them and to us Now - Today, “Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says YHWH [LORD] of hosts.

Friends we are “Crossing the Rubicon” – the point of no return. Things simply keep revving up. It is at hand. The worldwide events happening today are unprecedent and happening simultaneously and gaining speed. I do not write this to sensationalize but to just proclaim the truth. Our eternal life matters. Learning and knowing Jesus Christ and being prepared to meet Him and stand before the Throne of God Almighty matters. Whether we are alive and well on the day He appears to catch us up or whether we are taken prior in a physical death, I implore you to take this ‘Final Message’ to heart and hear the cry of God now – today, “Return to Me and repent and I will return to you.”

For those of you already secure in your eternal destination in Christ Jesus, be in a state of readiness and fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Press into Him and be busy about the business He has you doing until that moment! Our allegiance is to Him alone and only Jesus is The Way, The Truth And The Life Eternal For Salvation. There is none other.


Click here for more: Dear Earth, It Has Begun! [Lion of Judah YouTube, 1 month ago] / On January 24, 2023, the Clock was moved to 90 seconds (1 minute, 30 seconds) before midnight, the closest it has ever been set to midnight since its inception in 1947. A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight [Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 01 23 2024] /


The Time Has Come [ 09 29 2024] Pastor JD explains why the time has come for Christians to wake up from their spiritual slumber by addressing the UN Pact for the Future adopted just Last Sunday. /

We’re Just A Key Stroke Away [ 09 22 2024] Pastor JD talks about how we’re just a key stroke away from the pre-tribulation rapture and start of the 7-year tribulation by virtue of the swiftness with which developments of prophetic significance are escalating. /

Being Bold In Sharing Bible Prophecy [ 09 15 2024] Pastor JD shares practicable and Biblical ways to overcome fear and boldly share about Bible prophecy and by extension the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others who need answers in this last hour. /

If The Trial Run Is Done [, 09 01 2024] Pastor JD explains how that if the “trial run” that had begun back in 2020 is now done, then, the 7-year tribulations is just about to start with Jesus opening the seal judgements. /

Why Few Teach Prophecy When It’s Most Needed [, 08 25 2024] Pastor JD addresses the serious matter of why it is that so few are teaching Bible prophecy at the end of human history as we know it, when it is needed like never before. /

Preparing For What’s Coming [, 08 18 2024] Pastor JD addresses an often-asked question of what we can do to prepare for what’s coming and in some ways is already here, prior to the pre-tribulation rapture. /


Pleases pray for Pastor JD and his family, specifically his wife, Kelly, who continues battle with Breast Cancer, but God is moving; pray for those devastated by the most recent Hurricane Helene; pray for Israel; pray for the lost to be saved; pray for strength, healing, peace and joy in the midst of all life’s storms and trials many are facing.


Pick No. 1 – What’s On The Horizon: Hmm, nothing like something ‘old’ being called ‘new’, unless it is calling for a New European Order leading to the One World Order to usher in the kingdom of the beast. No surprise to see that Macron is calling for just that as they are “rethinking” relations with Russia in the midst of the war in Ukraine. He stated, “We need to think about the world in a new form,” as he looks for a new model taking into account equal representation for all European nations. All to consider larger peacebuilding tactics. Click here for more info: Macron Calls for New European Order [Newsweek, 09 23 2024] /

Pick No. 2 – U.N. Pact For The Future: World leaders on Sunday adopted the Pact of the Future, a landmark declaration pledging concrete actions toward their safer, more peaceful, sustainable and inclusive world for tomorrow’s generation. The Pact’s five broad focus areas include: sustainable development; international peace and security; science and technology; youth and future generations and transforming global governance. Sounds all good, right? No, it is a deception. Be in the know and learn about what they are planning for their New World Order. Click related articles to learn more:  Pact for the Future: World leaders pledge action for peace, sustainable development [UN News, UN Affairs, 09 22 2024] /

Pick No. 1 – Biblical Ramifications – Israel War: The ramifications of this war is and will affect the whole world. Be not ignorant though, God will protect Israel. The following message was aired September 29, 2024, by Pastor Jack Hibbs with special guest, Amir Tsarfati. In this program they discuss how the world is on the brink of a prophetic shift as Israel’s strategic recent victories against its enemies signal the unfolding of Biblical events. All I can say is God’s will be done and look up – Our redemption draws nigh. Click here to learn more: The Beginning of the End (Ezekiel 36-38) [YouTube Real Life with Jack Hibbs, 9 29 2024] /


Signs of the end of the age:  Pre-cursors of these prophetic signs of the end of this age are here and growing in intensity all around us. Is this coincidence? I think not, for the world is quickly approaching That Day – The Day of the LORD and the coming tribulation. Matthew 24 heralds the signs of the end of the age. What age? This age we are now in. I believe we are in the beginning of sorrows just as Jesus said in this passage. [Read more…] Because of this, if there is any time to open up the book of Revelation it is now as you keep watch for the coming trends in 2025. Click here to watch:   2025 In Bible Prophecy-Here Are 4 Trends To Watch For [Lion of Judah YouTube] /


Hope in Christ Jesus who will be with you through it all! Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you.” Many of us are experiencing many trials. I wish Scripture said ‘if’ you have trials; but it says you ‘will’ have trials in this life. When we go through these trials, know that God is with you through it. Remember, when the disciples being afraid of the raging storm woke Jesus who was asleep in the boat, Jesus rose and He told the storm to cease. [Read Matthew 8:23-27 . . .] Sometimes, however, we must go through the storm. Consider Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego when they were thrown in the fiery furnace made 7 times hotter for refusing to bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Yet a fourth person [one who appeared as the Son of God, i.e. pre-incarnate Jesus] was seen with them and they came out without even a hair singed. [Read Daniel 3 . . .] Then in Revelation we read of the church of Smyrna who were told they would be imprisoned and even killed for their faith. [Read Revelation 2:8-11 . . .] The point is, we have a Blessed Hope in that no matter what we suffer, even if it is unto death, we have already obtained that eternal life with God in Christ Jesus. Paul wrote: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” [Romans 8:18] Let us in these turbulent days be heavenly minded and not earthly minded and look up to Him who will strengthen you and hear you when you cry out to Him, “Save Me! Help Me Stand!”

Wake Up From Slumber Information:

Inside View with Linda Kennedy. Learning and sharing in two video series: Beginnings, A Journey Through the Bible and We Are Here – Bible Prophecy.

Am Watching, a different kind of blog, providing Biblical perspective on a variety of topics in world news. If you haven’t subscribed, click here now: Subscribe to Am Watching /

Novels: Number of Man Series: Book 1 – The Beginning; Book 2 – The Mission /

Wake Up Gear For Life Shop – Proclaiming Our Blessed Hope Merchandise. /

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Oct 18, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you so much for sharing and all the detailed scripture you included! I'm so grateful that we can find our hope in Jesus through the times she's of us! You are being used of the Lord to ready hearts and minds and He's gifted you with words! I'm grateful for your obedience to Him and the light you are as you share what He's revealing to you through his Word! You are a tremendous blessing and I know He's going to continue to use you to reach people for His Kindom. How wonderful that He's our King and also our friend. ❤

Linda Kennedy
Oct 19, 2024
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Thank you for your kind words and to God be the glory. It is incredible to walk with Him and be used by Him. Looking up every moment as I walk one step at a time knowing He is by my side and on His throne. Maranatha!🙄

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