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Revelation 1:11 "Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea."


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To The Seven Churches In America and Beyond:

Recent events and a message of “A Call to a Solemn Assembly” by Pastor Jack Hibbs this last Sunday, compelled me to address this message from Jesus Christ to the Seven Churches in Asia Minor. I have desired to do this for some time, but NOW, TODAY this message is almost like a last call, a last cry to wake up the Churches here in America. To wake up the people of America to turn and humble themselves before Almighty God.

We have been warned again and again. It is sad that it takes events like these to have a message of this nature. Many appear afterward to temporarily been awakened only to revert back to their old ways, back to sleep in our land of plenty and luxury. You may say, “I’m struggling to keep food on my table. I don’t feel very luxurious.” If that is your sentiment, you are looking at the wrong type of luxuries we have been afforded in this country – freedom to worship and to open up the Words of God given to men written to us revealing God, His Character, His Ways and the only Way back to Him. It is the Book of Books that points us to Life.

For those of you that know me well, you know I am not one who is very political as far as our government affairs, though I do keep watch and pray for those lost regardless of their position or monetary wealth. In fact, if you read my blog, you will quickly surmise that I feel there is no hope for this nation that has been effectively divided and trampled down, effectively dismantled by false narratives as well as through false pastors and teachers within the church. That does not mean that I feel we should not pray for our nation or our nation’s leaders and hold to the Truth in a nation where lies have become the norm. I also believe there are certain Pastors such as Jack Hibbs that have been placed in a position to address our nation’s leaders in Truth and Love. Holding to the Truth.

We are indeed here in this predicament because the church for the most part has become sick and impotent. It seems to have lost its Light and Salt just as is indicated in the book of Revelation.

Let’s first look at exactly what the “church” is. The Greek word is ekklésia meaning “called out ones.” These are those individuals that have been called out from the world to live for the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ as the Head of it, as the Builder of it. Those who have repented and are faithing in and on Jesus Christ as their covering and have been born again.

Overtime, many have made the church synonymously with “the assembly”; however, the assembly or gathering together of the "called out ones" is another Greek word episunagógé. This combination of words has led most to think of the church as someplace we go rather than what we are to be day in and day out. Is there the assembling together of the ekklésia? Yes, absolutely! And we need to assembly all the more as we see the Day of the Lord approach. However, the true church I believe is assembling today in both traditional settings as well as in nontraditional settings. As persecution of Jews and Christians in this country become greater, I believe nontraditional gatherings will become more likely. The best, true meaning of the church is described in scripture to us as follows:

The Church - His Body: Ephesians 1 (20) He who worked in Christ, having raised Him out from the dead and setting Him at His own right hand in the heavenly realms, (21) far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but that which also is to come. (22) And He [God] put all things under His [Jesus’] feet and gave Him [Jesus] to be Head over all things to the church [called out ones], (23) which is His body, the fulness of Him [the One] filling all in all. . . . Ephesians 4 (16) From Whom the whole body, fitly joined together and knit by every joint [ligament] of its supply, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love [agape = unconditional type of love]. We who faith in Christ Jesus, called out ones, are a part of His Body with Jesus Christ our Head.

The Church – His Temple: Ephesians 2 (21) In Him [Jesus], the whole building being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the LORD. (22) And in Him [Jesus] you too are being built together into a dwelling place for God through His Spirit. We individually who have been called out are the walking temple of God here on earth at this present time.

The Church – Bride of Christ: Ephesians 5 (25) Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. (26) That He might sanctify and cleanse her by the washing of water by the Word, (27) that He might present her to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and without blemish. . . . (29) For no one at any time hated his own body, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. (30) For we are members of His body. (31) For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. (32) This is a great mystery; but I [Paul] speak as to Christ and the church [called out ones]. Other passages that symbolize the church as the bride of Christ can be seen in: The Wedding Feast Parable (Matthew 2:22) / Revelation’s beautiful depiction of the church as the bride of Christ describing the great wedding feast with Jesus as the bridegroom and the church His bride - (Revelation 19:6-9). We who are “called out” are the Bride of Christ being sanctified and cleansed for that ultimate completion to come.

With this understanding, let me say again that the overall condition of the church has become impotent in many ways and have fallen into several of the conditions that Jesus warned us of and gave to John in a vision on the Island of Patmos in order to address their condition - our condition. It is a good place and a good time for all of us who profess to be His Church individually to take an inventory and a self-analysis of just what type of church we are representing in our daily walk in front of others and when alone before God Almighty. Though these churches have been segmented into ages of time, they are all actively existing even today and represent the whole, complete types of churches in existence. [Seven (7) numerically signifies complete or wholeness of something.]

The Seven Churches Chart

In my own personally analysis, I see how I have been a part of many of these church types in times past. However, today, I pray I am found to be in the Philadelphia Church. I pray you will join me. But, if per chance I am martyred for my faith and join those from the Smyrna church, I know God will infuse me with His Spirit to stand firm even unto death.

In closing, I encourage you to listen to the message that compelled me to write this special edition now rather than later. Click the link below to listen to Pastor Jack Hibbs message, "A Call to a Solemn Assembly." This message he gave following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. I have not been a fan of Donald Trump due to what appears to be a boastful, prideful arrogance within him. That does not mean however, that I hate him nor would I not pray for his salvation as well as for the salvation of any other leader; any person despite where they are or of their place in society in our nation and world.

Jesus said He would come back as a thief in the night if one is not watching and keeping aware, praying and taking to heart what He has said to us. I have to admit I was taken unaware with the following events: The Twin Towers attack, 2020’s COVID lockdowns, and so on. I will not be taken unawares when World War III and/or Civil War breaks out in this nation.

So, I pray and watch. I believe we are on the last lap before the appearance of Jesus Christ to “Whoosh” His true church up to Himself that will be followed by the kingdom of the beast bringing in the last 7 years of great tribulation and testing upon the people of the earth.

Do I believe there could be a great awakening and repentance throughout the churches and peoples across this land before that? Yes and sincerely pray so. However, I personally do not feel that it will be as most expect nor will it stop the countdown that has begun and will continue through "Operation Warp Speed" propelling us towards what is proclaimed to us in Revelation.

Now is the time to get back to the basics, get back to the Word and study - to know Him and be known by Him.


Click here for more information: A Call to a Solemn Assembly (Deuteronomy 28:1-68) [YouTube Real Life with Jack Hibbs – A Strong Message to the church and America and its leaders] / Revelation 2: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira / Revelation 3: Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea /

Wake Up From Slumber Information:

Inside View with Linda Kennedy. Learning and sharing in two video series: Beginnings, A Journey Through the Bible and We Are Here – Bible Prophecy.

Am Watching, a different kind of blog, providing Biblical perspective on a variety of topics in world news. If you haven’t subscribed, click here now: Subscribe to Am Watching /

Novels: Number of Man Series: Book 1, The Beginning / Book 2, The Mission /

Wake Up Gear For Life Shop – Proclaiming Our Blessed Hope Merchandise.

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Linda Kennedy was born one of five children to missionaries in Nigeria, West Africa. She has enjoyed writing poetry and songs since an early age. The idea for this book came to mind over 20 years ago. However, it wasn't until becoming disabled after two failed back surgeries, that she sat down and wrote the first rough draft which is now completed. Linda has written and published her first novel and "The Beginning" of the series: Number of Man. Linda currently resides in Jefferson City, Missouri.

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