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Romans 8:18 "I consider our present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory which will be revealed to us."

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OUR BORDERS [within and without]:

Present Suffering and Future Glory of the Believer

Pride goes before destruction is simply the truth as indicated in my last blog. But in this issue I want to put our thoughts on the Present Suffering and Future Glory of Believers; those faithing with confidence in Christ Jesus; those who have been born again by the Spirit. This is to encourage us as we see our nation and nations around the world continuing to erupt in chaos. For though we presently may suffer, we know what awaits us “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” [1 Corinthians 2:9 / See also Isaiah 64:4]

In this present darkness, we have been given The Blessed Hope – the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. [Titus 2:13] Our hope is not in or of this world. And just as Paul wrote, I also proclaim: I consider that our present sufferings here and now are not worthy to be compared to the glory which will be revealed to us. [Romans 8:18] So much so that we are told to rejoice that we share in the sufferings of Christ so that we may be overjoyed at the revealing of His glory. [1 Peter 4:13] If then we live by the Spirit, we put to death the sins of the flesh and we are made alive. Paul puts it rightly this way, “To live is Christ, to die gain.” [Philippians 1:21]

To many this seems a foolish statement. But to us in Christ, it makes perfect sense as we no longer are of this world though we still remain in it. But we are warned in Luke 17 (32) to remember Lot’s wife. Lot’s wife looked back to her worldly life in Sodom and Gomorrah that she still desired and wanted to cling to. Therefore, she was turned into a pillar of salt. [Genesis 19:26] Luke continues saying, (33) for whosoever seeks to save his life will lose it; but whosoever will lose it will keep it. Therefore, we lose our life to Christ and are born again in Christ to live eternally. Not in this same body, mind you. For Paul tells us this mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet. [1 Corinthians 15:51-52]

And we are told that our citizenship is now in heaven where we eagerly await our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will change our vile body and fashion it like unto His glorious body by the power whereby He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. [Philippians 3:20-21]

God is bringing about the grand finale’ whereby what we see here is different from what we know is to come by faith – The Future Glory. In this hope, we were saved; but hope being seen is no longer hope. For does anyone hope for what he sees? Therefore, our hope is for what we do not yet have and wait for patiently and confidently. The Spirit helps us in our weakness. And even if we don’t know what we should pray, the Spirit intercedes for us sometimes through wordless groans. And He who searches the hearts also knows what the mind of the Spirit is because the Spirit intercedes before God on our behalf in accordance with God’s will. Therefore, we know that in all things God works them for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. [Romans 8:24-28] Note this is a conditional promise – to all those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose in accordance with God’s will, not ours. In Him we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of the One [God] working all things according the counsel of His will, that we should be to the praise of His glory, who trust and hope in Christ Jesus. [Ephesians 1:11-12]

We who are alive in Christ should be the most hopeful despite our present sufferings because we know the future glory that is coming. Yet many seem to be losing hope. And without hope we die.

“Yes, this world is spiraling further and further into sin. And yes, disappointments abound – they have and always will. And there are no doubt great sorrows and deep heartaches in our future. But rather than stealing our Christian hope, and smothering our Gospel energy, and sullying our Christian testimony, each sorrow should strengthen our expectation for that glorious day when our Lord “will swallow up death for all time, and the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces…And it will be said in that day, ‘Behold, this is our God for whom we have waited that He might save us. This is the Lord for whom we have waited. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation’ (Isaiah 25:7,9).” This is a quote from the article linked below, Why the Christian Should be the Most Hopeful in this World, written by Patrick Slyman. I encourage you to read it in full.

In closing, I ask you, where is your hope today? I pray it is in the Future Glory of the Believer even in your present suffering. We who are walking in the here and now, indeed are living in perilous times and in need of this Blessed Hope; fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ. If you don’t have this hope in this future glory to come, you only need to recognize your plight and cry out to God, “Save me” in all sincerity placing their faith in the only one who can give you this Hope In Future Glory – Christ Jesus! Maranatha. Feel free to contact me if you are in need of more hope.

Click here for more: Romans 8 – Full Chapter – Life through the Spirit – Future Glory [Bible Gateway] / A Theology of Future Glory: Why the Christian Should be the Most Hopeful in this World [The Master’s Seminary] /


Continue praying for Pastor JD and his family, specifically his wife, Kelly, who continues battle with Breast Cancer, but God is moving; pray for Maui; pray for Israel; pray for the lost to be saved; pray for strength, healing, peace and joy in the midst of all life’s storms and trials many are facing.

Pagan Medicine Gods Are Alive And Well Today [ 06 30 2024] Pastor JD explains how the ancient pagan gods of medicine and even money are alive and well today and are already in play fulfilling Bible prophecy in our day. /

A Medical Doctor Speaks The Hard Truth [ Special 06 27 2024] Pastor JD hosts Dr. Chris Dubuque in a discussion concerning the hard truth about today’s medical industry and where everything could soon be heading according to Bible Prophecy.

The Final Lap [, 04 21 2024] Pastor JD explains how and why it is that we as the bride of Christ are now on the final lap and about to finish the race ending with the pre-tribulation rapture. /

Why Jesus Said To Remember Lot’s Wife In The Last Days [, 06 16 2024] Pastor JD explains why it is that in a peculiar passage, Jesus says to remember Lot’s wife when asked a prophecy question about when the end would come. /

It’s Not Just Possible It’s Now Most Probable [,06 09 2024] Pastor JD explains why the details in scripture speak to how the pre-tribulation rapture is no longer just possible, but now most probable, given the swiftness with which everything is happening. /


Pick No. 1 – Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof:  This is what is said in 2 Timothy 3:5 and we see this everywhere we look today. Yet this video is definitely worth watching. Dr. Rosaria Butterfield tackles one of the most controversial issues of our time on a college campus. What she says is Biblical, Truthful and Life Changing for those who will listen. She gives a clear, concise and authoritative declaration of the Gospel and its power to save and to transform our lives to godliness. Yes, even those who are trapped in LGBTQ community as was apparently at one time Dr. Butterfield. Shocking…Listen To This Woman’s Speech that SHOOK A Lot Of People!!! [YouTube James Kaddis, 06 24 2024] /

Pick No. 2 – Flu shots may contain more than you bargained for soon: Lots of things happing with newer flu shots, including adding the COVID mRNA mixed into the regular flu. With fearmongering about the next pandemic, disease X, and bird flu, I beseech you to read all the fine print before getting jabbed. There is already much hype about the US planning to make millions of bird flu vaccine doses just as New York City apparently is preparing for a possible bird flu outbreak. Stay informed. Click for more information: Covid-flu combination vaccine shows positive results in late-stage trial, Moderna says [CNN Health, 06 10 2024] / US to make millions of bird flu vaccine doses this summer, as cases grow [CBS News 05 31 2024] / New York City Preparing for Possible Bird Flu Outbreak [News Max, 06 25 2024 – Video Available] / Bird flu: Finland becomes first country in the world to start vaccinations for humans [Daily Express US, 06 25 2024] /

Pick No. 1 – Ripple Effects of Israel-Hamas Conflict Growing:  I think most have forgotten that Israel did not start this conflict, but Hamas did. However, the mantra of “From the River to the Sea,”  has carried itself to all nations and peoples. Nonetheless, we have seen the ripple effects of this conflict in essence outward to all nations causing: further division of people, impacting regional relations, impacting monetary systems, impacting international affairs, and so much more. All of them aligning the geopolitical landscape just as God revealed to us in Scripture. This is all Biblical and none of this should surprise us who are watching. I am praying for peace in the Middle East and for peace specifically in Jerusalem. I pray this fully knowing that as I pray this, I am in essence praying for Jesus to Come and set up His Earthly Kingdom as prophesied. For He is the only one who can bring TRUE PEASE AND SECURITY, not just to Israel and the Middle East, but to all Nations of the World. Although some of the linked articles and writing may be a bit dated, I believe it goes to the content here. Hopefully, all of us are keeping watch to the latest events surrounding this conflict and its ripple effects around the globe. Maranatha. Click here for more information: What Does “From the River to the Sean” Mean? [Bible Study Tools, 11 20 2023] / How the Israel-Hamas War Impacts Regional Relations [United States Institute of Peace, 10 23 2023] / Looking at causes, measuring effects of Israel-Hamas War [The Harvard Gazette, 02 15 2024] /


The enemy sneaks in quietly:  Seems that the West is on the brink of conquest as the relentless march of Islamization continues across our country. Then we have reports of China buying up farmland in very strategic places, like next to military installations across the US. China also has been reported as turning to private firms for offensive cyber operations giving way to leaked documents, clients, and more. And if that isn’t enough to think we are not really in a silent World War III about to explode, I ran across this article stating that America’s drinking water is under attack. Is this all coincidence? I think not. This all is happening because we are at the end of the age, and the kingdom of the Beast is being set up. To do that, they need to breakdown nations, divide and conquer so that they can set up their 10 kings that will be led by the Antichrist. Some call him the Mr. Fix It who will step in to establish this new world order, this last kingdom prior to the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. None of what we are witnessing should surprise us. What do we do? Pray, yes; but mostly look up as our redemption draws nigh. I would rather die to this earth and live in Christ than to comply to this system of the Beast and the Beast coming. Click here for more information: Conquered From Within: The Unstoppable Islamization of the West [RAIR Foundation USA, 06 25 24] / Map shows Chinese-owned farmland next to 19 US military bases in ‘alarming’ threat to national security: experts [New York Post, 06 20 24] / China is turning to private firms for offensive cyber operations [Defense One, 06 30 2024] / Satellite Images Show Expansion of Suspected Chinese Spy Bases in Cuba [WSJ, 70 02 2024] /  America’s drinking water is under attack, with links back to China, Russia and Iran [CNBC, 06 26 24] / Also check out Marfoogle News YouTube: China, Russia, Iran: Targeting U.S. Water Systems / US military bases in Europe raise security alert over possible terror attack [Daily Express US, 06 30 2024] /

Wake Up From Slumber Information:

Inside View with Linda Kennedy, learning and sharing in two video series: Beginnings, A Journey Through the Bible and We Are Here – Bible Prophecy /

Am Watching, a different kind of blog, providing Biblical perspective on a variety of topics in world news. If you haven’t subscribed, click here now: Subscribe to Am Watching /

Novels: The Number of Man Series: Book 1 - The Beginning / Book 2 - The Mission /

Wake Up Gear For Life Shop – Proclaiming Our Blessed Hope Merchandise /

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